
Monday 23 October 2017

How To Read More

Hey guys, this is Abi here,
And even though I never claimed to be an expert on how to read more, I thought- why not do a tutorial on something I like to read myself...
how other people read so much!
I hope you enjoy the post!

Top Tip #1: Carry a book around with you-everywhere
Even though other people may find it annoying when you slip a book into your bag everywhere you go- it has been proven that if you take a book with you, you are more likely to pick it up and read it! And even though it might not make a huge amount of difference, it will spark your interest to hopefully continue the book at home.

Top Tip #2: Prioritize reading
This is actually really really hard! If you ever feel like watching Netflix, pick up a book. If you want to watch a film (unless it's like the Hunger Games etc haha), pick up a book. It's hard, and it may risk you losing interest in the book altogether, but if it doesn't, it should make picking up a book and reading automatic. And soon you'll be doing it without even knowing it!

Top Tip #3: Juggle multiple books
Now, this option isn't for everyone. Personally, I just get confused, and it just takes too long to finish, especially if I have to keep track of two completely different plots and character arcs. But if you can juggle twice as many books, you can finish twice as many. Which means that you'll get to read and meet twice as many stories and worlds, which is great!

Top Tip #4: Carve out a specific time to read
This is especially handy if you have a typically busy day. Maybe getting up an hour earlier, or going to bed a little bit earlier so you can read before you fall asleep can really be helpful if you want to read just that little bit more. And each night or morning you do it, that's another productive reading time that you've managed. And if you can stick to it- even better!

Top Tip #5: Get excited to read- do whatever you need to do!
Whether that's going on YouTube and watching a video about books, looking up your favourite blogger's latest post, or listening to a song, or whatever, try to do whatever so you become excited about reading!
If reading feels like a chore, there's no way your going to feel inspired to pick up a book and read! So you talk to a reader friend! You read a book post! Just get excited!

So that was my "How To Read More" Tutorial! I hope you enjoyed it and I will see you all on Wednesday!

-Abi xxxxxx

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