Monday 29 August 2016

20 Random Facts About Me

Hey guys, this is Abi here,
And today I'm going to be posting something a little different to what I usually post!
I'm posting about me!
I'm not being self-centred, but I feel like nobody posts about themselves, the person behind the blog because they feel that they're taboo.
But I'm changing that!
So ladies and gentlemen, this is 20 Random Facts About Me.

20 Random Facts About Me. 

1. I have a twin. He's the type of reader that doesn't read consistently, but every once in a while he'll read A GREAT WHACKING STEPHEN KING BOOK (Under the Dome), but he's the best brother in the world and I love him. 

2. I also have two half brothers and one half sisters, two of which are also twins. (Again, boy girl twins :D ). 

3. I'm a chocaholic. Love it. Hot chocolate. Profiteroles. Eclairs. Chocolate cake. Just plain chocolate. Love all of it. 

4. I run 5K every week at Parkrun and I'm currently under 25 minutes. 

5. I'm also training for a 10K next June.

6. And a triathlon next September.  

7. I love musicals. Always have. I've also been in quite a few myself, including Little Shop of Horror, Sister Act and We Will Rock You. I annoy people how much I talk about them.  

8. I'm incredibly competitive, but particularly with my brother. If he starts training for a running obstacle course and goes out for an hour long run, I'll do the same. This is an actual example, I have done this. 

9. I love to travel, and I want to see a ton of places that I haven't already (Cyprus and New York especially). 

10. I have never broken a bone. 

11. I have never died my hair. 

12. I love video-games. RPG's especially. (Role Play Games)

13. The first album I bought was Busted- A Present For Everyone. Loving punk from age 6!

14. I want to write a book one day!

15. My family owns two cats, named Tiger and Cola. We've had them for 11 years. 

16. I am also incredibly stubborn. 

17. I still have last year's calendar up because December's picture is Finnick. (That's part of the reason, the other part is that I'm just lazy.)

18. I'm disappointed on how little I've read this year, but I'm happy with what I've accomplished outside of reading (like writing and experiences etc.)

19. I'm constantly tired and I rely on energy drinks to keep me awake. 

20. I bite my nails. A lot, and that is bad. 

So that is 20 Random Facts About Me! I hope you enjoyed that little insight into my crazy energy-drink-induced brain, and feel free to comment some quirky facts about yourself! 
Have a lovely what's left of the day, and I will see you all on Wednesday!
(I'll be doing my August Wrap Up).

-Abi xxxxxx

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